Kap+Berk Architects


Mijntje van den Berk

Mijntje van den Berk (1971) is an interior architect and architectural designer.
In that capacity, she worked for 15 years at AAA architects. There she gained extensive experience in designing large-scale projects such as housing, crematoriums and health centers, as well as smaller-scale projects for the private market; homes, renovations, outbuildings and interior.
In 2013, Mijntje founded the MijnWerk studio and works as an independent (interior) architect.

Marjolein Kap

Marjolein Kap (1973) is an interior architect and architectural designer. She worked at Strand-NL for over 8 years as an (interior) architect and project manager before she founded studio Kap + Ko in 2006, agency for architecture, interior design and furniture design. Since then, she has worked on various assignments in both the business and private sectors: renovations, extensions, new construction of houses and complete renovations of villas.

Mijntje and Marjolein know each other from their studies and meet again in 2013, after which they continue together in 2014 as KAP + BERK studio.


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